Rinda Salmun memulung bahan untuk koleksi Liberation
Rinda Salmun is a name that has been making waves in the world of fashion and sustainability. As the founder of Liberation, a sustainable fashion brand that focuses on upcycling and repurposing materials, Rinda is constantly on the lookout for unique and interesting materials to incorporate into her designs.
One of the key aspects of Liberation’s ethos is the idea of using materials that would otherwise go to waste. Rinda is passionate about reducing the environmental impact of the fashion industry, which is known for its high levels of waste and pollution. By repurposing materials that would have otherwise been discarded, she is able to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind pieces that are both environmentally friendly and stylish.
Rinda’s latest project involves collecting materials for her upcoming collection, and she has been hard at work scouring flea markets, thrift stores, and even junkyards for interesting pieces to incorporate into her designs. From old denim jeans to vintage scarves, Rinda has a keen eye for spotting potential in what others may see as trash.
One of the most exciting aspects of Rinda’s work is the element of surprise. You never know what she will come up with next, as she is constantly experimenting with new materials and techniques to create truly unique pieces. Whether it’s a pair of earrings made from discarded bottle caps or a dress made from repurposed curtains, Rinda’s designs are always unexpected and innovative.
In addition to her commitment to sustainability, Rinda is also dedicated to supporting local communities and artisans. She often collaborates with local craftsmen and women to create her pieces, ensuring that her work has a positive impact on the people and communities around her.
Overall, Rinda Salmun’s work with Liberation is a shining example of how fashion can be both beautiful and sustainable. By repurposing materials and supporting local communities, she is setting a new standard for what it means to be a conscious consumer and designer. Keep an eye out for her upcoming collection, as it is sure to be a stunning display of creativity and innovation.